Prop Firms

FunderPro Review

FunderPro Review

FunderPro Review

FunderPro, operating under the official name FunderPro Ltd, was established in February 2023. The firm is based in Malta and is led by CEO Gary Mullen. FunderPro offers traders various options including three different account types and a choice between two two-step evaluations and a one-step evaluation process. They have partnered with ThinkMarkets to act as their broker, providing traders with a robust platform to engage in financial markets. This setup allows traders to select the evaluation and account type that best fits their trading style and goals.

  • Platforms for Prop Trading: Match Trader, cTrader, TradingView
  • Participation cost: from $32 to $392
  • Available capital for management: from $5,000 to $100,000
  • Leverage Available up to 1:200
  • Three Distinct Funding Programs - These are crafted to accommodate different levels of trading expertise and risk tolerance.
  • Multiple Add-on Features - Enhancements that can be added to customize the trading experience to suit individual needs.
  • Professional Trader Dashboard - A sophisticated interface designed for comprehensive monitoring and management of trading activities.
  • Diverse Trading Instruments - Traders have access to a wide range of markets including Forex pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Unlimited Trading Period - No restrictions on the length of the trading period, providing flexibility in holding positions.
  • No Minimum Trading Day Requirements with Swing Evaluation - Specially tailored for swing traders, allowing trades to be held for longer periods without daily trading obligations.
  • Scaling Plan - Opportunity for traders to increase their account size based on performance metrics.
  • Immediate Payout Upon Profit - Traders can withdraw their earnings as soon as they make a profit.
  • Daily On-demand Payouts - Provides flexibility with daily withdrawals, enhancing liquidity for traders.
  • Profit Share of 80% up to 90% - A competitive profit sharing ratio that rewards successful trading.
  • Overnight Holding Permitted - Traders can hold positions overnight, allowing for greater strategic flexibility.
  • Free Trial Profit Conversion - Traders can convert profits earned during a free trial into real account credit.

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Funding Pips Funding Programs

FunderPro is committed to empowering traders by offering unrestricted avenues to success. The firm has crafted various challenges designed to provide traders with the opportunity to manage substantial amounts of capital. Traders are given the chance to generate significant profits with the flexibility to handle account sizes of up to $200,000 and benefit from profit splits of up to 90%. These opportunities are available through trading a diverse array of financial instruments, including forex pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This approach not only facilitates financial growth but also allows traders to adapt their strategies to a range of markets, maximizing their potential for success.

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Regular Evaluation FunderPro Program

FunderPro rules:

  • Profit Target: Traders are required to hit specific profit percentages to successfully pass each evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or scale up their trading accounts. For Phase 1, the profit target is set at 10%, and for Phase 2, it is slightly reduced to 8%. Once traders are funded, there are no explicit profit targets set, allowing for greater flexibility in trading strategies.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: There is a cap on losses that can be incurred in a single trading day to prevent substantial depletion of the trading account. This cap is universally set at 5% across all account sizes.
  • Maximum Loss: The total permissible loss a trader can face without breaching the account standards is capped at 10% for all account sizes. This ensures that traders maintain conservative risk management practices.
  • No Weekend Holding: Traders must close all positions before the market shuts on Friday, as holding trades over the weekend is strictly prohibited. This rule helps manage risk associated with market gaps that can occur at the week's opening.
  • No News Trading: Trading during high-impact news releases is not allowed. Specifically, traders are restricted from opening new trades or closing existing ones on affected instruments during a critical 2-minute window before and after such news announcements. This rule is designed to mitigate risk from market volatility driven by news events.
  • Consistency Rule: During the evaluation phases, traders are expected to demonstrate consistency in their trading approach. This includes maintaining uniformity in position sizes, risk management practices, and the overall pattern of losses and gains. One key aspect of this rule is that the profits earned on the trader’s best day should not exceed 45% of their total profits during the evaluation period. This consistency helps ensure that the trader’s success is not based on high-risk or fluke trades but on sustainable and reliable trading strategies.
Participation cost:
  • $5,000 - $79
  • $10,000 - $139
  • $25,000 - $249
  • $50,000 - $349
  • $100,000 - $549
  • $150,000 - $819
  • $200,000 - $1,099
Evaluation Phases

FunderPro's Regular Evaluation offers traders a structured pathway to managing substantial trading capital, with account sizes ranging from $5,000 to $200,000. The program aims to identify and nurture talented traders who can generate profits while adhering to stringent risk management protocols. This two-step evaluation process is enhanced by the potential to use up to 1:200 leverage, giving traders significant market exposure.

Evaluation Phase One:

  • Profit Target: Traders must achieve a 10% profit increase.
  • Loss Limits: Traders must not exceed a 5% maximum daily loss or a 10% maximum total loss.
  • Time Requirements: There are no restrictions on the minimum or maximum number of trading days needed to meet these objectives. Progress to the next phase hinges solely on meeting the profit target without breaching the established loss limits.

Evaluation Phase Two:

  • Profit Target: An 8% profit increase is required.
  • Loss Limits: The limits remain at a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% maximum total loss.
  • Time Requirements: Similar to the first phase, there are no specific trading day requirements. Advancement to funded status is contingent upon achieving the profit target without violating the loss limits.

Upon successful completion of both phases, traders are granted access to a funded account with the following features:

  • Minimum Withdrawal: Traders can withdraw a minimum of $100.
  • Loss Rules: The 5% daily and 10% total loss limits still apply.
  • Payouts: The first payout can occur on day one if a profit is made, with subsequent withdrawals available daily, on-demand.
  • Profit Split: Earnings are split with the trader, ranging from 80% to 90% based on the profits generated in the funded account.

Add-on Feature for FunderPro’s Regular Evaluation:

  • 90% Profit Split: Traders can opt for an add-on that increases their share of the profits to 90%, enhancing the potential earnings from successful trading activities.

FunderPro’s evaluation framework and add-ons are designed to attract skilled traders who are confident in their trading strategies and risk management, offering them the tools and incentives needed to succeed in the competitive world of proprietary trading.


Scaling Plan

FunderPro's Regular Evaluation includes a scaling plan that rewards consistent profitability with substantial account size increases. This plan is specifically designed to foster growth and enhance the earnings potential for successful traders.

Details of the Scaling Plan:

  • Criteria for Scaling: Traders must demonstrate profitability by achieving a minimum return of 10% per month for three consecutive months.
  • Scaling Benefit: Once eligible, the trader’s account size will be increased by 50%.

Examples of How Scaling Works:

  • Initial Phase: If a trader starts with a $100,000 account and meets the profitability criteria over three months, their account size will be increased to $150,000.
  • Second Phase: Continuing to meet the criteria, the now $150,000 account will increase to $225,000 after another three-month period.
  • Subsequent Phases: If the profitability is sustained, the account will further increase to $337,500 after the next three months.

This progressive scaling continues as long as the trader maintains the required performance level, compounding the potential for higher earnings with each successful period.

The scaling plan is an integral part of FunderPro’s strategy to incentivize traders to maintain high performance, offering them greater capital to trade with and thereby the opportunity for significantly larger profits. This structured approach not only rewards skill and consistency but also aligns the interests of the trader and the firm by promoting sustained trading excellence.

Swing Evaluation FunderPro Program

FunderPro rules:

  • Profit Target: Traders are required to meet specific profit percentages to successfully complete each evaluation phase, access withdrawals, or qualify for scaling their trading account. In the first evaluation phase, the profit target is set at 10%, while in the second phase, it is slightly lower at 8%. Funded accounts, however, are not bound by any preset profit targets, offering more flexibility in trading strategies.

  • Maximum Daily Loss: To prevent significant drawdowns and manage risk effectively, there is a limit on how much a trader can lose in a single day without breaching the account's terms. This limit is set at 5% across all account sizes.

  • Maximum Loss: Similarly, there is an overall loss limit to safeguard the account's integrity, capped at 10% for all account sizes. This rule helps enforce a disciplined trading approach and risk management.

  • No News Trading: During high-impact news releases, trading activities are restricted. Traders are not allowed to open new trades or close existing positions on affected instruments during a critical 2-minute window before and after the news announcement. This policy is designed to mitigate risk from market volatility that can occur during these times.

  • Lot Size Limit: The size of positions traders can take is typically capped according to the initial balance of the trading account. This measure ensures that trading remains proportionate to the account size and risk levels. Specific details on lot sizes for various instruments are outlined in a separate spreadsheet provided by the firm.

  • Consistency Rule: This rule mandates that traders maintain a consistent approach in various trading aspects such as position sizes, risk management, and the balance of losses and gains. The aim is to ensure that the trading patterns do not show significant fluctuations, which can be indicative of inconsistent or risky trading behavior. Importantly, profits from the best trading day should not exceed 45% of the total profits during the evaluation phases.

Participation cost:
  • $5,000 - $89
  • $10,000 - $149
  • $25,000 - $269
  • $50,000 - $379
  • $100,000 - $599
  • $150,000 - $819
  • $200,000 - $1,199
Evaluation Phases

FunderPro's Swing Evaluation program offers a dynamic opportunity for traders to manage substantial capital, with account sizes ranging from $5,000 up to $200,000. The program is designed to identify traders who can consistently achieve profitability while effectively managing risk, suitable for those who prefer swing trading strategies.

Details of the Swing Evaluation Program:

  • Leverage: Participants in the Swing Evaluation can utilize leverage up to 1:30, providing them with the potential to amplify their trading positions and maximize returns.

Evaluation Phase One:

  • Profit Target: Traders need to achieve a 10% increase in account value.
  • Risk Management: The maximum allowable loss per day is capped at 5%, with the overall loss not to exceed 10%.
  • Time Flexibility: There are no specific minimum or maximum trading days required in this phase, allowing traders to work at their own pace and according to market conditions.

Evaluation Phase Two:

  • Profit Target: A slightly lower target of 8% is required for advancement.
  • Risk Management: The daily and total loss limits remain the same at 5% and 10%, respectively.
  • Time Flexibility: Similar to phase one, traders are not constrained by the number of trading days, providing flexibility to strategize effectively without time pressure.

Upon Completion of Evaluation Phases:

  • Funded Account: Successful completion of both phases grants the trader access to a funded account.
  • Withdrawal Minimum: Traders can start withdrawing funds with a minimum amount of $100.
  • Risk Limits: The maximum daily and total loss limits of 5% and 10% continue to apply in the funded account.
  • Payouts: Profitable trades can result in immediate payouts from day one, with the facility to request withdrawals daily, on an on-demand basis.
  • Profit Split: The profit-sharing arrangement offers traders between 80% to 90% of the profits, based on the results achieved on the funded account.

This structured approach within the Swing Evaluation not only allows traders to demonstrate their trading proficiency over a more extended period suitable for swing trading but also supports them in scaling up responsibly, managing risks, and maximizing their earning potential through a flexible and trader-friendly payout system.


Scaling Plan

FunderPro’s Swing Evaluation includes a robust scaling plan designed to reward sustained profitability by offering significant account size increases. This plan is especially beneficial for traders who consistently demonstrate their ability to generate substantial returns over extended periods.

Details of the Swing Evaluation Scaling Plan:

  • Eligibility for Scaling: Traders need to maintain profitability with a minimum return of 10% each month over a consecutive three-month period.
  • Scaling Benefit: Upon meeting these criteria, the trader's account size will be increased by 50%.

Scaling Examples:

  • Initial Increase: If a trader starts with an account balance of $100,000 and achieves the required return for three months, the account will be scaled up to $150,000.
  • Second Increase: Continuing to meet the profitability criteria, the account increases further from $150,000 to $225,000 over the next three months.
  • Subsequent Increases: If the trader maintains this performance level, the account would then scale up to $337,500 after another three months.

Continued Growth: This pattern of increases continues indefinitely as long as the trader consistently meets the performance criteria each three-month period. This progressive scaling enables traders to significantly leverage their successful trading strategies by managing larger sums, potentially leading to exponentially greater earnings.

This scaling plan encourages traders to adopt long-term, consistent trading strategies, aligning their goals with the overall objectives of FunderPro by promoting risk management and consistent profitability. The plan not only provides an incentive for top performers to continue excelling but also enhances their capacity to capitalize on successful trades.

Fast Track FunderPro Program

FunderPro rules:

  • Profit Objective – Traders are required to hit a specific profit percentage to successfully complete an evaluation phase, withdraw profits, or scale up their trading account. The required profit target during the evaluation phase is set at 14%. There are no defined profit objectives for funded accounts.

  • Daily Loss Limit – There is a set maximum loss that traders are permitted to incur in a single trading day without violating the account terms. During the evaluation, this limit is 4% of the account size, which increases to 5% once the account is funded.

  • Overall Loss Limit – Traders are restricted by a maximum loss cap they can sustain overall without compromising their account. This limit stands at 7% during the evaluation phase and extends to 10% for funded accounts.

  • Trading During News Blackout – Trading during periods of high-impact news releases is strictly forbidden. This rule means that opening new trades or closing existing ones on the affected instrument during a 2-minute window before and after the news announcement is prohibited.

  • Consistency Requirement – Traders must ensure consistency in various trading practices, including position sizing, risk management, and the balance of losses and gains. It is critical that the trading account's performance does not show wide fluctuations. Profits from the most profitable trading day must not constitute more than 45% of the total profits during the evaluation phase.

Participation cost:
  • $5,000 - $79
  • $10,000 - $139
  • $25,000 - $249
  • $50,000 - $349
  • $100,000 - $549
  • $150,000 - $819
  • $200,000 - $1,099
Evaluation Phases

FunderPro's Fast Track offers traders the chance to oversee accounts ranging from $5,000 to $200,000. The program seeks to pinpoint disciplined traders who are not only profitable but also adept at managing risks during a single-step evaluation phase. Participants in the Fast Track can trade with leverage up to 1:50.

During the evaluation stage, a trader must meet a 14% profit goal without exceeding a 4% maximum daily loss or a 7% total loss limit. There are no strict minimum or maximum trading day requirements in the first phase. To advance to a funded status, traders must hit the 14% profit threshold without violating the established loss limits.

Upon successful completion of the evaluation, traders gain access to a funded account with a minimum withdrawal limit of $100. They must adhere to a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% total loss restriction. Withdrawals can be requested daily starting from day one, provided a profit is made, and can continue to be made on-demand. The profit share ranges from 80% to 90%, depending on the earnings achieved in the funded account.

Enhancements available in FunderPro's Fast Track include:
  • Increased leverage of 1:100
  • A higher profit share of 90%
  • Permission to hold positions during news events


Scaling Plan

Fast Track also features a scaling plan. Traders who achieve a 10% return each month over a three-month period become eligible for a 50% increase in their account size.

For instance:
  • After 3 Months: A qualified $100,000 account grows to $150,000.
  • After the Next 3 Months: A qualified $150,000 account expands to $225,000.
  • After the Next 3 Months: A qualified $225,000 account increases to $337,500.

This pattern continues similarly for subsequent periods.

FunderPro, a proprietary trading firm founded in February 2023, has quickly established a significant presence in the trading community. Many traders within this firm have achieved funded status and successfully qualify for a profit split.

Payout Details with FunderPro:

  • Initial Payout: As soon as traders with FunderPro achieve funded status through the Regular Evaluation, Swing Evaluation, or Fast Track programs, they are eligible for their first payout the day they generate a profit.
  • Subsequent Payouts: After the initial payout, traders can request payouts on a daily, on-demand basis, providing flexibility and immediate access to earnings.
  • Profit Split: The profit split varies generously from 80% to 90%, depending on the profits generated on the trader’s funded account.

Verification of Payments:

  • Trustpilot: FunderPro’s reliability is supported by numerous reviews on Trustpilot, where traders share their experiences and confirm the seamless process of receiving payouts.
  • Social and Digital Media: Further evidence of FunderPro's prompt and reliable payouts can be found on their Discord channel and YouTube channel. These platforms feature various payout certificates and interviews with some of the most successful traders, providing transparency and confidence in the firm’s payout process.

These resources and testimonials make it clear that FunderPro is committed to its traders' success, providing them with substantial opportunities to profit and promptly accessing their earnings.

FunderPro Review and Our opinion about this Prop Firm

In conclusion, FunderPro stands out as a reputable and reliable proprietary trading firm, offering traders a selection of three distinct funding programs: the Regular and Swing Evaluations, which are comprehensive two-step evaluations, and the Fast Track, a streamlined one-step evaluation.

  • Regular and Swing Evaluations: Both the Regular and Swing Evaluations at FunderPro adhere to an industry-standard two-step process that requires traders to complete two phases before gaining access to a funded account and the chance to earn profit splits between 80% to 90%. In both evaluations, traders need to achieve profit targets of 10% in phase one and 8% in phase two to qualify for funding. These targets are realistic given the firm’s risk management framework, which imposes a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% maximum overall loss. The absence of minimum or maximum trading day requirements allows traders the flexibility to operate at their own pace, enhancing the suitability for various trading styles. Both evaluations include a scaling plan, significantly enhancing the potential for increased account sizes based on performance.
  • Fast Track Evaluation: The Fast Track program simplifies the process into a single phase, where traders must meet a 14% profit target to manage a funded account and receive profit splits ranging from 80% to 90%. This program sets a 4% maximum daily and 7% maximum loss rule during the evaluation, which adjusts to 5% and 10% respectively once funded. Similar to the other programs, there are no constraints on the number of trading days, offering maximum flexibility. The Fast Track also includes a scaling plan, providing substantial growth opportunities for successful traders.

FunderPro is ideally suited for traders seeking flexible, supportive conditions that cater to diverse trading strategies and preferences. The firm offers unique features such as an unlimited trading period, no minimum trading day requirements, immediate withdrawals upon achieving funded status, and on-demand payouts, all of which make it an attractive option for serious traders. Given its comprehensive programs and supportive features, FunderPro is an excellent choice for traders with well-developed strategies aiming for consistent, gradual profit accumulation.

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