Prop Firms

RebelsFunding Review

RebelsFunding Review

RebelsFunding Review

RebelsFunding, a proprietary trading company operating under the official name RIFM, S.R.O., was established on May 5, 2023. Based in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, the firm is headed by CEO Marek Soska. Offering a diverse range of account options, RebelsFunding provides traders the choice of a four-step, three-step, two-step, or one-step evaluation process, as well as an instant funding program. They are partnered with a tier-1 liquidity provider, ensuring their brokerage services simulate the most accurate real-market trading conditions.

  • Platforms for Trading: RF-Trader platform
  • Five Distinct Financing programs
  • Complimentary Trial Period
  • Advanced Trading Interface for Professionals
  • A Broad Selection of Trading Assets (Including Forex Pairs, Commodities, Indices, Stocks, and Cryptocurrencies)
  • 28 Swap-free Trading Instruments
  • Leverage Offered up to 1:200
  • No Restrictions on Maximum Trading Days
  • Progressive Scaling Plan
  • Initial Withdrawal After 14 Calendar Days
  • Regular Bi-weekly Withdrawals
  • Profit Sharing of 80% to 90% in the Copper & Bronze Programs Profit Sharing of 75% to 90% in the Silver & Gold Programs
  • Permits Overnight and Weekend Positions
  • Allows Trading During News Events
  • Cost-effective Copper & Bronze Programs

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RebelsFunding Programs

RebelsFunding is dedicated to helping traders achieve profitability without requiring substantial initial capital or concerns over potential losses, while providing access to top-tier technical solutions. The firm enables traders to earn significant profits through the flexibility of managing accounts with sizes up to $320,000 and earning up to 90% in profit splits. Traders have the opportunity to operate a variety of financial instruments such as forex pairs, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

Copper Program review RebelsFunding

RebelsFunding rules:

  • Profit Targets – To progress or scale up in their accounts, traders are required to meet a designated profit percentage. Each of the four evaluation phases mandates a profit target of 5%. Unlike in the evaluation phases, funded accounts do not have predefined profit targets.

  • Maximum Daily Loss – This is the highest percentage of loss a trader is permitted to incur in a single trading day without violating the account's terms. For all account sizes, the maximum daily loss is capped at 5%.

  • Overall Maximum Loss – This rule sets the total allowable loss limit a trader can face across the entire account without resulting in a breach. The set maximum for all account sizes is 10%.

  • Minimum Trade Requirement – Traders must complete a minimum number of trades to successfully pass an evaluation phase. This requirement is consistent across all phases, with a minimum of 4 trades necessary.

  • Use of Expert Advisors – The use of Expert Advisors (EAs) is strictly prohibited during trading activities, ensuring that all trading decisions are made by the traders themselves, without automated assistance.

Participation cost:
  • $5,000 - $25
  • $10,000 - $40
  • $20,000 - $70
  • $40,000 - $120
  • $80,000 - $240
  • $160,000 - $460
  • $320,000 - $960
Evaluation Phases

The RebelsFunding Copper Program offers traders the chance to manage accounts ranging from $5,000 to $320,000. The program is designed to identify traders who demonstrate profitability and effective risk management over a structured four-step evaluation period. Participants in the Copper Program can trade with leverage up to 1:200.

  • Evaluation Phase One: Traders must achieve a 5% profit target while adhering to a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% overall maximum loss. There are no maximum trading day restrictions in this phase, but traders must execute at least four trades to advance to the next phase.
  • Evaluation Phase Two: Similar to the first phase, traders need to hit a 5% profit target without exceeding the daily and overall loss limits. The requirement to execute a minimum of four trades remains, with no maximum trading day restrictions to move forward to phase three.
  • Evaluation Phase Three: Again, traders are tasked with reaching a 5% profit target while staying within the 5% daily and 10% total loss thresholds. They must complete a minimum of four trades and face no restrictions on the number of trading days to progress to the final evaluation phase.
  • Evaluation Phase Four: In this final evaluation stage, traders must meet the same profit and loss criteria as in the previous phases, with a minimum of four trades required and no maximum trading day limits. Successful completion of this phase leads to a funded account.
  • Funded Account: Once traders complete all four evaluation phases, they receive a funded account with no minimum withdrawal limits. The trading conditions continue with the 5% maximum daily loss and 10% maximum loss rules still in effect. The initial payout is scheduled 14 calendar days after the first trade, with subsequent bi-weekly withdrawal opportunities. Traders enjoy a profit share of 80% to 90%, depending on their earnings.


Scaling Plan

The RebelsFunding Copper Program features a scaling plan designed to reward consistent profitability. Traders who achieve a profit for at least two months within a three-month period, and maintain an average return of 15% across those three months, become eligible for a 25% increase in their initial account size. Additionally, once a trader successfully scales their account for the first time, the profit split is enhanced to 90%.

Example of the Scaling Plan:

  • After 3 Months: A trader with a consistently profitable performance in a $100,000 account, meeting the 15% average return criteria, will see their account increase to $125,000.

  • After the Next 3 Months: If the trader continues to meet these performance criteria in their now $125,000 account, the account size will increase further to $150,000.

  • After the Next 3 Months: Continuing this trend, a qualified $150,000 account that maintains the required profitability and average return will rise to $175,000.

This pattern continues, rewarding successful traders with increased account sizes and profit shares, incentivizing sustained performance and effective risk management.

Bronze Program review RebelsFunding

RebelsFunding rules:

  • Profit Target – Traders are required to hit a specific profit percentage to successfully complete an evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or scale their trading account. The set profit target for each of the three evaluation phases is 5%. For funded accounts, there are no specified profit targets.

  • Maximum Daily Loss – Traders face a limit on the amount they can lose in a single trading day without violating the terms of their account. This maximum daily loss is set at 5% across all account sizes.

  • Maximum Loss – There is also a cap on the total amount a trader can lose without breaching their account, set at 10% for all account sizes.

  • Minimal Executed Trades – To successfully conclude any evaluation phase, traders must execute a minimum of 5 trades. This requirement ensures sufficient activity and engagement with the market during the evaluation.

  • No Expert Advisors – The use of Expert Advisors (EAs) is strictly prohibited in trading activities. This rule ensures that all trading decisions are made manually by the trader, enhancing the authenticity and skill assessment of the trading strategy employed.

Participation cost:
  • $5,000 - $40
  • $10,000 - $60
  • $20,000 - $100
  • $40,000 - $170
  • $80,000 - $340
  • $160,000 - $660
Evaluation Phases

The RebelsFunding Bronze Program offers traders the ability to manage accounts ranging from $5,000 to $160,000, designed to identify and nurture talented traders who can generate profits and manage risks effectively. This program provides leverage of up to 1:200.

  • Evaluation Phase One: Traders need to achieve a 5% profit target while adhering to a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% overall maximum loss. There are no limits on the number of trading days in this phase, but traders must complete a minimum of five trades to advance to the next phase.
  • Evaluation Phase Two: Continues with the same financial targets as phase one. Traders must hit a 5% profit target without exceeding the 5% daily loss or 10% total loss limits. Similar to the previous phase, there are no maximum trading day restrictions, but traders must execute at least five trades to move on to the final evaluation phase.
  • Evaluation Phase Three: This final phase maintains the same profit and loss requirements. Traders are again tasked with reaching a 5% profit while staying within the 5% maximum daily loss and 10% total loss boundaries, with no restrictions on the number of trading days. Completion of at least five trades is necessary to qualify for a funded account.
  • Funded Account: Upon successful completion of all three evaluation phases, traders are awarded a funded account. This account comes with no minimum withdrawal requirements, but traders must continue to adhere to the 5% daily loss and 10% total loss rules. The first payout occurs 14 calendar days after the first trade is placed in the funded account, with subsequent opportunities for bi-weekly withdrawals. Profit splits range from 80% to 90%, depending on the profits generated on the funded account.


Scaling Plan

The RebelsFunding Bronze Program includes a scaling plan that rewards consistent profitability. To qualify for an account size increase, a trader must either achieve an average return of 15% over a three-month period or maintain a consistent 5% return each month throughout the same period. Successful traders who meet these criteria are eligible for a 25% increase in their initial account size. Furthermore, once a trader successfully scales their Bronze Program for the first time, their profit split is increased to 90%.

Example of Scaling in the Bronze Program:

  • After 3 Months: A trader with a $100,000 account who meets the profitability criteria can scale their account up to $125,000.

  • After the Next 3 Months: Continuing to meet the performance benchmarks in their now $125,000 account, the trader qualifies to increase their account size to $150,000.

  • After the Next 3 Months: If the trader maintains their profitable performance in the $150,000 account, it will then be scaled up to $175,000.

This scaling continues, progressively increasing the account size based on the trader’s ability to meet the set profitability thresholds, thereby offering more substantial potential earnings and higher profit shares.

Silver Program review RebelsFunding

RebelsFunding rules:

  • Profit Target – Traders must achieve a designated profit percentage to successfully conclude an evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or scale their trading account. The profit target for Phase 1 is set at 8%, whereas Phase 2 requires reaching a profit target of 5%. Funded accounts do not have any specified profit targets.
  • Maximum Daily Loss – The maximum loss limit a trader is allowed to lose in a single trading day without breaching the account. All account sizes have a maximum daily loss of 5%.
  • Maximum Loss – The maximum loss limit a trader is allowed to lose overall without breaching the account. All account sizes have a maximum loss of 10%.
  • Minimal Executed Trades – The minimal number of trades you must execute before successfully concluding an evaluation phase. All evaluation phases have a requirement of executing a minimum of 6 trades.
  • No Expert Advisors – This implies that traders are prohibited from utilizing the services of Expert Advisors while engaged in trading activities.
Participation cost:
  • $2,500 - $35
  • $5,000 - $50
  • $10,000 - $80
  • $20,000 - $130
  • $40,000 - $230
  • $80,000 - $420
Evaluation Phases

The RebelsFunding Silver Program offers traders the opportunity to manage accounts ranging from $2,500 to $80,000. The program is designed to identify and nurture disciplined traders who can achieve profitability and manage risks effectively during a two-step evaluation period. Traders in the Silver Program are allowed to trade with up to 1:100 leverage.

  • Evaluation Phase One: Traders are required to achieve a profit target of 8% while adhering to a 5% maximum daily loss and a 10% overall maximum loss. There are no restrictions on the number of trading days, but traders must complete a minimum of six trades to advance to the second phase.
  • Evaluation Phase Two: In this phase, traders need to reach a profit target of 5% without exceeding the 5% daily loss limit or the 10% total loss limit. Similar to phase one, there are no maximum trading day limits, but traders must execute at least six trades to qualify for a funded account.
  • Funded Account: Upon successful completion of both evaluation phases, traders receive a funded account with no minimum withdrawal limits. Traders in funded accounts must continue to comply with the 5% maximum daily loss and 10% maximum loss rules. The first payout is scheduled 14 calendar days after the first trade is placed in the funded account, with subsequent opportunities for bi-weekly withdrawals. The profit split in the funded account ranges from 75% to 90%, depending on the profits generated.


Scaling Plan

The RebelsFunding Silver Program incorporates a scaling plan that rewards sustained profitability. To be eligible for an account size increase, traders must demonstrate profitability in at least two of the last four months, with an average return of 15% over this four-month period. Successfully meeting these criteria qualifies the trader for a 25% increase in their initial account size. Additionally, after the first successful scaling of their Silver Program, the profit split for the trader increases to 90%.

Example of Scaling in the Silver Program:

  • After 4 Months: If a trader with a $100,000 account achieves the required profitability standards, their account is increased to $125,000.

  • After the Next 4 Months: Continuing to meet these performance criteria in the $125,000 account allows the trader to scale up to $150,000.

  • After the Next 4 Months: If the profitability is maintained, the account size increases further from $150,000 to $175,000.

This scaling process continues as long as the trader meets the set performance benchmarks, facilitating growth in both account size and potential earnings.

Gold Program review RebelsFunding

RebelsFunding rules:

  • Profit Target: Traders are required to meet a specified profit target of 10% to successfully complete the first phase of the evaluation. Once this initial target is achieved, there are no further profit requirements for subsequent levels, allowing traders more flexibility in their trading strategies.

  • Maximum Loss: There is a universal rule across all account sizes, setting a maximum allowable loss at 5%. This is the total loss limit a trader can incur without resulting in a breach of the account.

  • Minimal Executed Trades: To successfully pass any evaluation phase, traders must execute a minimum of 5 trades. This requirement ensures that traders are actively engaging with the market and applying their trading skills.

  • No Expert Advisors: The use of Expert Advisors (EAs) is strictly prohibited. This rule is implemented to ensure that all trading actions are based on real-time decision-making and strategy application by the traders themselves, promoting a fair and skill-based trading environment.

Participation cost:
  • $2,500 - $50
  • $5,000 - $70
  • $10,000 - $100
  • $20,000 - $160
  • $40,000 - $280
Evaluation Phases

The RebelsFunding Gold Program offers traders the chance to manage accounts ranging from $2,500 to $40,000, targeting disciplined traders who can demonstrate profitability and effective risk management during a simplified one-step evaluation period. This program provides leverage of up to 1:50.

Evaluation Phase Requirements:

  • Profit Target: Traders must achieve a profit target of 10% to successfully complete the evaluation phase.
  • Maximum Daily Loss: The daily loss limit is capped at 4%. Exceeding this limit would breach the account terms.
  • Maximum Loss: The total allowable loss throughout the evaluation phase is set at 6%.
  • Minimal Executed Trades: Traders are required to execute a minimum of eight trades during the evaluation phase to qualify for advancement.
  • Time Limitations: There are no maximum trading day restrictions, allowing traders flexibility in their trading strategy and execution.

Transition to Funded Account: Upon successfully meeting all the criteria of the evaluation phase, traders are granted a funded account. In this account:

  • Withdrawal Requirements: There are no minimum withdrawal requirements.
  • Loss Restrictions: Traders must continue to respect the 4% maximum daily loss and 6% maximum loss rules.
  • Payout Schedule: The first payout is issued 14 calendar days after the initial position is placed in the funded account. Subsequent withdrawals can be requested bi-weekly.
  • Profit Split: Profit sharing ranges from 75% to 90%, dependent on the profits generated on the funded account.

This streamlined process is designed to quickly identify and support traders who can efficiently navigate the market under disciplined risk parameters.


Scaling Plan

The RebelsFunding Gold Program includes a scaling plan designed to reward consistent profitability and efficient risk management. To qualify for an account size increase, traders must demonstrate profitability in at least two of the previous four months, achieving an average return of 15% over this four-month period. Upon meeting these criteria, traders are eligible for a 25% increase in their initial account size. Moreover, the profit split increases to 90% following the first successful scaling of their Gold Program.

Example of Scaling in the Gold Program:

  • After 4 Months: A trader managing a $100,000 account who meets the profitability standards increases their account size to $125,000.

  • After the Next 4 Months: If the trader continues to meet the performance criteria in the now $125,000 account, they qualify for a further increase to $150,000.

  • After the Next 4 Months: Maintaining consistent profitability, the account size would increase again, moving from $150,000 to $175,000.

This scaling mechanism continues as long as the trader successfully achieves the set performance benchmarks, facilitating progressive growth in both account size and potential earnings.

Diamond Program review RebelsFunding

RebelsFunding rules:

  • Profit Target – Traders are required to achieve a designated profit percentage of 10% to successfully conclude an evaluation phase, withdraw earnings, or qualify for account scaling. There are no specific profit targets set for funded accounts, providing more flexibility in trading strategies.

  • Maximum Daily Loss – A maximum daily loss limit of 4% is set across all account sizes. This limit is the maximum percentage a trader is allowed to lose in a single trading day without breaching the account terms.

  • Maximum Loss – The overall maximum loss limit is set at 6% for all account sizes. This is the total loss limit a trader can reach before the account is considered breached.

  • Minimal Executed Trades – There is a requirement for traders to execute a minimum of 8 trades during any evaluation phase. This requirement ensures that traders are sufficiently active and engaged in managing their trading strategies.

  • No Expert Advisors – The use of Expert Advisors (EAs) is strictly prohibited in trading activities. This rule ensures that all trading decisions are made manually, promoting a fair evaluation of trading skills and strategies.

Participation cost:
  • $1,000 - $45
  • $2,000 - $90
  • $5,000 - $200
  • $10,000 - $400
  • $20,000 - $800
Evaluation Phases

The RebelsFunding Diamond Program is designed for traders seeking immediate entry into the trading market without undergoing a preliminary evaluation. This program offers a streamlined path to earnings with account sizes ranging from $1,000 to $20,000. Traders can utilize up to 1:50 leverage, enhancing their trading capabilities right from the start.

Program Features and Requirements:

  • Funded Account: Upon purchasing the Diamond Program, traders are provided with a funded account, enabling them to start trading immediately.

  • Initial Profit Target: The program sets an initial profit target of 10% for Phase 1. Achieving this target qualifies traders for their first payout.

  • Maximum Loss Rule: There is a strict maximum loss limit of 5% that traders must adhere to. This is crucial for managing risk and preventing significant drawdowns.

  • Trade Minimum: Traders are required to execute at least five trades, ensuring active participation and engagement with the market.

  • Payout Conditions: The first payout is issued once a trader achieves a 10% profit. Following this, further withdrawals can be made every time the trader secures at least a 5% profit. Additionally, reaching a 10% profit automatically scales the account upwards.

  • Profit Split: Traders will receive a 50% share of the profits made on their funded account.

The Diamond Program is particularly suited for traders who are confident in their trading strategies and want to bypass the conventional evaluation phases, offering them a direct route to managing significant funds and potentially high earnings.


Scaling Plan

The Diamond Program includes a scaling plan that allows traders to escalate their trading capacity following successful trading outcomes. This scaling process is specifically designed to provide traders with the opportunity to manage larger sums as they demonstrate their ability to generate substantial profits.

Scaling Plan Overview:

  • Profit Target Achievement: If a trader reaches or exceeds a 10% profit target on their current account balance, they become eligible to scale up to the next available account size.

  • No Forfeiture of Profits: Importantly, traders are not required to forfeit their earned profits when scaling their accounts. This ensures that the financial rewards gained from successful trading are retained.

  • Account Upgrade Process: Once eligible for scaling, the trader’s account will be temporarily disabled to facilitate the upgrade. The account balance is then increased to the next tier.

Example of Scaling:

  • Initial Account Size: $20,000
  • Profit Target: 10%
  • Week 1 Performance: Generate a 4% profit
  • Week 2 Performance: Generate a 6% profit

In this scenario, the trader successfully achieves a total profit of 10% over two weeks, thereby meeting the scaling criteria. The account is eligible for an upgrade, and the balance is subsequently increased:

  • New Account Size: $32,000

This enhanced account size offers the trader a greater financial capacity and the potential to generate higher absolute profits under the same successful trading conditions. The scaling plan is an integral part of the Diamond Program, aimed at motivating traders to perform well by directly linking their trading success to increased trading capabilities.


RebelsFunding Review and Our opinion about this Prop Firm

RebelsFunding is a reputable proprietary trading firm known for its comprehensive suite of funding programs designed to cater to various trader profiles and skill levels. The firm offers five distinct funding programs: the Copper Program, Bronze Program, Silver Program, Gold Program, and Diamond Program, each tailored to facilitate the growth and development of its traders by providing realistic trading objectives and supportive trading conditions.

  • Copper Program: This four-step evaluation program helps traders gradually build their skills through four distinct phases, each requiring a 5% profit target. With no maximum trading day limits and a requirement of four trades per phase, this program supports consistent trading discipline while allowing traders to manage risk with 5% maximum daily and 10% maximum overall loss rules. Additionally, the Copper Program includes a scaling plan to increase account balances as traders succeed.
  • Bronze Program: Similar in structure to the Copper but streamlined into three phases, the Bronze Program also sets a 5% profit target for each phase. Traders must execute a minimum of five trades per phase, adhering to the same loss limitations. The inclusion of a scaling plan provides significant growth opportunities for successful traders.
  • Silver Program: This program requires traders to complete two evaluation phases with higher profit targets of 8% and 5% respectively. Each phase must be accompanied by a minimum of six trades, with no maximum trading day limits, encouraging traders to leverage their skills effectively under consistent risk parameters. The Silver Program also features a scaling plan, enhancing the potential for account advancement.
  • Gold Program: Offering a rapid, one-step evaluation, the Gold Program is ideal for more confident traders. A single 10% profit target must be met while executing at least eight trades. The program’s design, which includes only a 4% maximum daily loss and a 6% maximum overall loss, focuses on high-stakes, high-reward trading opportunities. A scaling plan further incentivizes traders by increasing their account size upon successful trading outcomes.
  • Diamond Program: Unique among the offerings, the Diamond Program eliminates the evaluation phase entirely, allowing traders to immediately manage a funded account. With an initial 10% profit target and a straightforward 5% maximum loss rule, this program suits traders ready to jump straight into trading. The required execution of five trades per payout cycle and a scaling plan that increases account sizes based on performance make this program especially attractive.

In conclusion, RebelsFunding stands out in the proprietary trading industry by offering tailored programs that accommodate a wide range of trading styles and expertise levels. From gradual evaluation to immediate funding options, the firm provides exceptional trading conditions, including low commission fees, bi-weekly payouts, and unique features like no evaluation phases in the Diamond Program and affordable entry-level options. These attributes make RebelsFunding a highly recommended choice for traders seeking a robust and supportive trading environment.

Go to the RebelsFunding website >>>
